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I curently have an operational access point on a 4.5m mast with a directional 24db galaxy. If you wish to do some link tests I am more than glad to turn my antena in your direction. I can see node fpy however due to compatibility reasons we dont have a link yet.
I also have other wireless odds and ends so I can netstumble the neighbourhood...so if you pop up in my neighbourhood please feel free to establish a link up with me :)
At some stage I might even put a omni directional antenna on the mast to see if i can get a larger coverage.
I would like to develop a friendly network around this area so if you need help seting up please do not hesitate asking me. I am quite happy to climb up on your roof with you to help you install your wireless gear etc... Also if you like i can help you modify your galaxy antenna (free, you supply the cable and connectors)or give you some hints on how to get one :)
Dont forget the melbourne wireless meetings, they are a wealth of information and you can source cheap wireless gear like connectors cables etc... I'm usually there too so seek me out.

remember "if you build it they will come" :)

Dont forget the irc channel on oznet #melb-wireless ? I am there most nights as HoracePinker.
e-mail: horacepinker (at) hotmail.com (the email adress requires assembly to stop a flood of spam :)

Version 1 (old) modified Mon, 26 Jul 2021 12:49:29 +0000 by MrMagoo
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